Newsletter 4/2024

Aatu Mällinen 14.5.2024 Newsletters

Summer, summer, summer! 

Hello, all you lovely people!

Spring is finally turning to summer and the half-term is closing in. I know you all are very busy at the moment, but i’d love to steal a minute or two of your time and ask you to read the blog linked below. 

ACE returns are probably on your minds (and your desks) right now. We want to help you with this and we are launching an ACE report tool in June. I will demonstrate it to you in our next User Group meeting in Sheffield. 

Click HERE to read the blog post


See you in Sheffield! 

We are going to have our June User Group at the Red Tape Studios in Sheffield on Friday 14th of June

The idea behind this is to have a face-to-face chance to network and to share your thoughts on Eepos with each other. By having you in one room, sharing your experiences and collaborating on service development, we can gain valuable insights into key pain points and development priorities.

The schedule for the event:

10:30 – 10:45: Introductions
10:45 – 11:15: Eepos Update & Customer Updates
11:15 – 12:30: Spring 2024 – New features demo

12:30 – 13:15: Lunch

13:15 – 14:00: Summer 2024 – Development plan
14:00 – 14:30: Priority developments for Autumn 2024 / Spring 2025

14:30 – 14:45: AOB / Meeting closes.

The event will be a hybrid meeting. Even though we’d hope to see you all on-site, we understand that some of you might not have time to travel. We will arrange a video connection for the ones that cannot make it and wish to attend via Teams.

Can I please ask you to inform us (me, Riku or Graham) if you are coming to Sheffield, so that we can arrange the catering for all attendees?

RSVP by Friday 24.5.2024


And as always, if you have any questions, worries or suggestions, please feel free to contact us!

Kind regards, 